
Mónica Rocío Velarde Lazarte

Mónica Rocío Velarde Lazarte


Formerly a member of staff of the Tavistock Institute, Mónica continues to work as a Professional Partner through a series of innovative international adaptations of group relations and large organisational development interventions.

Monica is a social scientist, organisational and leadership development consultant and coach. She is committed to building authentic professional alliances with her clients, accompanying them to find their own rhythm and insight through the dynamics of change.

She offers her clients rigorous research, consultancy and evaluation skills. Her working approach is strongly influenced by sociotechnical design principles, building scaffolds that support the emergence of leadership and cultural change. Her interest is in unconscious processes and in the development of social and intellectual capital through strategies of inter/intra organisational collaboration.

She has pioneered the development of “The Territory”-a virtual platform for experiential learning and she continues to work on the development of research logics for the adaptation of Group Relations Conferences into virtual environments. Throughout her career, Mónica has led the introduction of the Tavistock Tradition to Organisational Consultancy in Peru, Colombia and Panamá through TConsult Socioanalytic Practice since 2007 and Hope of the Amazon Civil Association since 2013.

She is a faculty member of Esan Business School and a Professional Associate of the Indian Institute of Management in Ahmedabad. Monica is a native Spanish speaker with professional proficiency in English and French.

Work Areas:

  • Consulting widely to top management of government, private and public sector organisations paying particular attention to the psychodynamics of multiagency collaboration and conflict of interest through the design of socially sustainable interventions.
  • Working with vulnerable populations across the life span (children, adolescents, adults and the elderly) and designing large community interventions to develop psychological resilience.
  • Delivering expertise on leadership development working with the transition of adolescents towards adulthood and supporting young adults into their transition to professional life.

 Research Interests:

  • The study of group dynamics in virtual environments
  • The implications of unconscious phantasies and social defences for organisational and social change.
  • The development of psychological resilience in vulnerable populations for the prevention of extreme violence.
  • The mental health implications on the interaction of historical trauma, ecological and cultural environment and personal biography.

Relevant Publications:

  • Socioanalytic Case study: Exploring the role of Unconscious phantasies and Social Defences in the Awajun and Ashaninka people – implications for the design of socially sustainable interventions in the Peruvian Amazon.- Published annex supporting Peruvian Government Supreme Decree on Multidirectional Security
  • Liderando con propósito: desarrollando el Perú- Programa transformación en el Sector de Energía y Minas published in “Métodos Socioanalíticos para la Gestión y el Cambio en Organizaciones”.  Editorial Universitaria – Libro editado por Eduardo Acuña y Matias Sanfuentes 2013
  • Leadership and Innovation in Management and Consultancy published in Group Relations Conferences: Tradition, Creativity and Succession, Volumen 3 Edited By Aram, Baxter and Nutkevitch – Karnac, London 2012

Professional Affiliations:

  • Candidate in Adult Psychoanalysis-IPTAR Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research
  • Graduate Member of the British Psychological Association
  • Professional Associate at the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India
  • Founder of The Territory- Learning and Freedom
  • Certified Coach for the Leadership Circle Accreditation
  • Psychologist registered at the School of Professional Psychologist of Peru
  • Registered Health practitioner at the Peruvian Minister of Health


  • Professional Doctorate in Consultation and the Organization. Tavistock and Portman NHS and University of East London
  • Tavistock Consulting Professional Qualification in Consulting D10C
  • PgD Leading Consultation: Psychoanalysis and Management. IFSI France
  • License Degree in Social and Organisational Psychology at Universidad de Lima
  • BA Psychology Universidad de Lima
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