
Virtual Working – how to build trust

Virtual Working – how to build trust

The Digital Surgery opens on 6 April 2020.


24 February 2020

The Digital Surgery

Here’s an example of how to manage virtual teams in 8 easy steps:

  1. Define work systems
  2. Establish multiple communication tools
  3. Schedule regular meetings
  4. Have clear and detailed deliverables
  5. Make sure work hours overlap
  6. Create a professional work environment
  7. Choose (video) calls over chatting and emails
  8. Find the right people to work with.

However, you can do all this (even No 8!) but still encounter problems like misunderstandings from poor communication; lack of clarity, direction and focus; frequent second-guessing; a deficient sense of ownership and commitment, incompatible communication preferences; etc. We’ve all experienced these when working virtually.

The Tavistock Institute proposes a different way of looking at things and asks:

  • What can you do about these difficult interactions and create effective meetings?
  • How do you develop trust online in temporary teams?
  • How do you work through challenging team dynamics at a distance?
  • What is going on ‘under the surface’ in your virtual team?
  • How can you recognise and use this data?

The Digital Surgery is a regular and confidential virtual space for business leaders and managers; consultants, coaches and other professionals to explore, with Tavistock Consultants, how to work more efficiently and effectively in the digital world. It allows for the discussion of challenging team dynamics and individual behaviours in order to explore root causes and options on how to work with them.

The Surgery opens on 6 April 2020, meeting regularly every 2 or 3 months on Zoom to unpack the challenges that are presented by working virtually.  More dates will be added for 2021.

Wherever you are in the world, you can join the subscription at any time to gain from the wisdom of others and share yours. 

If you have any questions or would like a chat about the Digital Surgery and what you could get out of it, please contact Anabel Navarro, Professional Development Manager.

Consultant Contacts: Coreene Archer; David Drabble

To receive news about the Digital Surgery and/or our 3-monthly Newsletter, join our mailing list – you can tailor what information you receive. 

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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