
The Surgery is opening

The Surgery is opening

Virtual Working - supporting individuals and teams to work better.

Virtual Working – supporting individuals and teams to work better.

There is a global movement taking place as more and more organisations move towards agile or smart working and there are many people who want to join in this flexible working revolution.

For employees the benefits seem obvious: increased feeling of control over the schedule/work environment; no commuting; increased flexibility; space to concentrate on tasks without interruption; better work-life balance; staying in contact virtually with global team members without the hassle of planes, trains and automobiles and the possibility of staying in your pyjamas all day!

For employers, the benefits also seem to outweigh the disadvantages: reduced office overheads and business trip costs; space-savings; better use of skills; increased creativity; increased employee contentment, engagement and loyalty; higher productivity; reduced turnover of staff; reduced absenteeism; enhanced company benefits when advertising posts; and the ability to work across time zones to create a 24/7 global culture. 

The delight associated with all the benefits (on both sides) means it is tempting to ignore the challenges: the loneliness and isolation of some employees, poor connectivity and communication, more miscommunications when working with global colleagues, difficult team dynamics; and off-task virtual meetings. 

  • What can we do about these difficult interactions? 
  • How do we create effective meetings?
  • How do we work through challenging team dynamics at a distance?
  • What is going on ‘under the surface’ in the virtual team (and how to recognise and use this data)?

Our newly launched Digital Surgery creates a regular and confidential space for business leaders and managers; consultants, coaches and other professionals to explore how to work more efficiently and effectively in the digital world. It allows for the discussion of challenging team dynamics and individual behaviours in order to explore root causes and options on how to work with them.

We will be meeting regularly on Zoom to discuss and unpack the challenges that are presented by working virtually. 

The Surgery will be open on a series of dates beginning in 2020, which pay attention to time zones. 

Wherever you are in the world, you can join the subscription at any time (subject to availability), either to share your wisdom and/or to gain from the wisdom of others.

If you have any questions or are interested in joining the Digital Surgery, please contact Anabel Navarro, Professional Development Manager.

Consultant Contacts: Coreene Archer; David Drabble

To receive news about the Digital Surgery, join our mailing list – you can tailor what information you receive.

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