
Researchers wanted!

Researchers wanted!

We are looking to recruit two Researchers

We’re hiring

We are looking to recruit two Researchers to join our team who share our passion for dynamic approaches to researching and influencing social change processes.

In our work, we apply understanding from the social sciences towards improving life in our society, which builds on our long history of supporting social change since 1947. We evaluate and research small to large-scale initiatives in the UK, across Europe and worldwide, across a variety of social issues, including health, mental health and well-being, education, employment, social care, the climate change emergency, and digital and social exclusion. We are a diverse, multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team who bring passion, rigour, care and integrity to our work in our quest for positive social change.

We need people with the following characteristics: 

  • a degree in a relevant subject area – a postgraduate qualification is desirable but not necessary
  • at least 3 years’ experience of working on relevant projects in a similar setting as the Institute
  • ability to write and communicate clearly and convincingly across a number of formats, including presentations, Blogs, articles, reports or papers
  • experienced in designing research and analysis in social policy, and skilled in adapting methods according to data, budget or other constraints
  • ability to prioritise tasks and deliver to high quality and meet deadlines

We are also particularly interested in people who have:

  • foreign language skills, particularly Eastern European languages, Greek or French
  • experience of working on projects funded by the European Union
  • experience of conducting qualitative interviews or focus groups with vulnerable people
  • the ability to apply both qualitative and quantitative research skills

We offer: A salary (£28,500 to £35,000) depending on previous experience and qualifications, flexible working arrangements, bicycle or season ticket loan, contributory pension scheme, a dynamic working environment, excellent bespoke personal and professional development opportunities and a supportive working culture. We provide 25 days annual leave pro rata.  The contract is permanent and can be either full or part-time.

The successful candidate must, by the start of the employment, have permission to work in the UK. They will be expected to come into the office at least 2 days per week.

How to apply: 

  1. Complete our online application form – here. In this form you should indicate in no more than 500 words what attracts you to working for the Institute and what you would bring to this role.
  2. Submit your CV to Emily

Please include your name and ‘Researcher Application 2022’ in the subject line.

Applications will not be considered without both the online form and an accompanying CV.

The TIHR supports the principle of Equality and Diversity in employment and wholeheartedly opposes all forms of unlawful or unfair discrimination. We will be conducting a blind shortlisting process.

Closing date: Midnight Sunday, 24 July

For further information, or if you wish to discuss the role, please contact Emily who will be able to help you.

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The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
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