A presentation and guest blog contribution by Dr Kerstin Junge, Principal Researcher and Consultant, to the Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Getting to Grips with Replication’ seminar series.
On March 21st Tavistock Institute Researcher and Consultant Dr Kerstin Junge presented thoughts on replication as continuous improvement at the third seminar in the ‘Getting to Grips with Replication’ series of events organised by the Big Lottery Fund in the first quarter of 2013.
Addressing the overall theme of the seminar ‘Monitoring, evaluation and continuous improvement’, and drawing on interim findings from the Tavistock Institute’s process evaluation of the Realising Ambition programme, Kerstin’s presentation discussed three questions:
- Why is it useful to think of replication in continuous improvement terms?
- How can we use monitoring and evaluation as tools for continuous improvement in the replication process?
- How do these tools affect impact of the replication process?
The slides on the topic can be found on the Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Getting to Grips with replication’ web page here and Kerstin’s and guest blog here.