
Reflections on an event exploring Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity

Reflections on an event exploring Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity

Lunchtime Talk - 25th March

Lunchtime Talk with Frances Abraham, Coreene Archer, Mark Argent, Richard Morgan-Jones – 25th March

‘Exploring The Heart of Christianity’ was a two day event offered at Launde Abbey, from 20th to 22nd January 2015 which brought together practice in offering retreats and group relations.

In this Lunchtime Talk consultants to this event will present their reflections and hope to join with others attending to further process and make sense of their experience.  The event explicitly offered the chance to explore how members were responding emotionally, spiritually and intellectually to Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity.  We suggested it would be helpful if people had read The Heart of Christianity, before they come, but the aim was to explore responses to the book.

This Lunchtime Talk will be of particular interest to those involved in innovation in delivering group relations events as well as of wider interest to those with an interest in the topic.

Fiddy (Frances) Abraham is Principal Consultant at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, which she joined in 1976. The Institute has been at the heart of applying systems psychodynamics to understanding group experiences for over 60 years in many different settings. She is a member of the parish family at her local church in the Diocese of Oxford and has joined retreats in different traditions.

Coreene Archer is Internal Communications Consultant at The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations, and currently works as a coach both with groups and individuals. Coreene has a background in groups dynamics and group relations. Having previously worked in the faith sector, she has knowledge of the challenges that currently face the faith community. She is currently engaged to the wider church family through a network of relationships.

Mark Argent brings over a decade’s experience of giving retreats with a strong interest in group relations and is writing a book on psychodynamics and spirituality. He’s an Elder in the United Reformed Church and has a strong connection with the Free Community Church in Singapore. His paper at ISPSO 2015 will be exploring learnings from an event exploring spirituality in the Reformed tradition.

Richard Morgan-Jones is an Organisational Consultant, Executive Coach and a Training Psychoanalytic Supervisor with the British Foundation for Psychotherapy. He has worked in the Group Relations field at home and abroad over many decades. He manages Work Force Health: Consultancy and Research whose work is explored through Bion’s concept of emerging protomentality in ‘The Body of the Organisation and its Health’ (Karnac 2010).

The talk: Reflections on an event exploring Marcus Borg’s The Heart of Christianity is part of the Tavistock Institute’s Food for Thought series.

If you would like to attend this talk please send an email to talks@tavinstitute.org with your name, the talk date and title.

Every third Wednesday at the Tavistock Institute, staff, associates, trustees and partners have come together for these informal talks. Their intention is the provision of a space of debate and reflection between Tavistock staff, those who are or have been collaborating with us and other interested researchers and practitioners

You are welcome to bring your own lunch.

For more information on upcoming and previous talks, how to book or get more involved go to the dedicated Food for Thought webpages.

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