
Networks of Desire

Networks of Desire

A Group Relations training conference, 20—22 and 27—28 January 2023


13 January 2023


Online via Zoom

Key people

We invite you to participate in the second Networks of Desire Group Relations Training Conference, taking place from 20-22 and 27-28 January 2023. The conference will explore how networks of power and desire work within us and between us.

Register here

Traditional forms of hierarchy and position power that have dominated the past centuries still exist, and yet, more powerful, hidden influences shape our lives. Power and cultural control circulate in our networked society, forming and limiting our desires. At the same time, there is a great opportunity to follow our true desires (individually and collectively). This online experiential learning event will explore how unconscious and conscious, individual and group dynamics emerge in the conference setting.

Networks of Desire invites participants to explore the potential of emancipating themselves from the conformist, authoritarian cultures we absorb. It will also aim to resist and fight back against the democratic deficits that creep into our lives.

The conference will enable its participants to:

  • Become participant-observers of our own and others’ experience in the networked society as it emerges
  • Experience experiences as they manifest in the here and now, exploring conscious and unconscious dynamics
  • Understand our hidden pleasures that arise from authoritarianism; experience how agency, leadership, and followership play out in our networked society
  • Learn about ourselves and others in the networked dynamics of organisational life
  • Co-create networks of desire that liberate us from authoritarian cultures

The group relations conference draws from psychoanalysis and has developed from the Tavistock Institute’s Group Relations tradition. It is sponsored by Group Relations International and the Eco-Leadership Institute. The conference is directed by Dr Simon Western, founder of The Eco-Leadership Institute and CEO of Analytic-Network Coaching. Elyce Cole from TIHR is on staff.

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