
Kurt Lewin - ‘Field Theory Rule’

Kurt Lewin - ‘Field Theory Rule’

Part-two of a four-part series highlighting the significance of Lewinian principles...


18 July 2011

Part-two of a four-part series highlighting the significance of Lewinian principles…

Dr Jean Neumann, the Tavistock Institute’s Senior Fellow in Scholarly Practice presents, as part of ‘Lectures and other presentations’, the second part in a series of 4 articles summarising selected Lewinian principles. Each article demonstrates Kurt Lewin’s continuing relevance today by taking examples from both the archive and contemporary practice.This second instalment turns to Lewin’s ‘Field Theory Rule’, while the first addressed Lewin’s ‘Dynamic Approach Rule’.

‘Lectures and other presentations’ is a new area of this website that functions as a digital repository of our work, thinking and reflections. This section of the website also encourages visitors to take part in thought provoking and reflective dialogue both with each other and with us through a comments section at the bottom of each presentation.Other presentations currently online include:

Potential benefits of web-based feedback for improving health service quality: Lessons emerging from the evaluation of Patient Opinion website by Olivia Joyner, Joe Cullen and Deborah Davidson. Click here to read.

The Aesthetics of Group Relations- Design, leadership and the art of learning in contemporary GR thinking and practice by Eliat Aram. Click here to read.

Understanding the Psychology of Regulation by Mannie Sher. Click here to read.

Poor Parents, Poor Parenting? by Judy Corlyon. Click here to read.

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