
ISPSO Annual Meeting 2022 Conference

ISPSO Annual Meeting 2022 Conference

From Trauma to New Engagement with the Future

From Trauma to New Engagement with the Future

We are pleased to announce the Institute’s participation in the ISPSO Annual Meeting 2022 Conference, as the first Institutional Member of ISPSO.

The theme this year is: From Trauma to New Engagement with the Future: Working with Organizations Facing the Challenges of Tomorrow responding to the collective and individual trauma caused or reactivated by the pandemic and further extended by the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The online program has been carefully designed to offer high quality Professional Development Workshops, paper presentations, Panels and Keynotes by excellent thinkers and practitioners in the field of psychoanalytic studies and organisational consulting.

Participants will have ample opportunities to engage in open and free discussions as well as to reflect on the theme and their own experiences in PDWs and paper presentations reflections, end of the day reflections, the Reflective Space event, and Social Dreaming Matrix to get the feel of the unconscious dynamics, emerging themes and feelings, and make sense of the current moment. Participants will be provided with an opportunity to explore the ways of facing and overcoming the traumatic experience both individually and collectively in our organisations, communities, and social systems to manage the transition to other possible next stages.

The theme does not only include the trauma but also a possible future. The 2022 AM will provide a valuable space to make sense of the unfolding geopolitical crisis, to explore the trauma it is causing to so many willingly or unwillingly, and to find ways of engaging with the emerging future.

We hope to see you there.  The conference is an online event – more information can be found here.

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