
IDEAS for improving access to Higher Education

IDEAS for improving access to Higher Education

Lunchtime Talk: Sadie King and Leslie Brissett 10th December.


14 November 2014

Lunchtime Talk: Sadie King and Leslie Brissett 10th December.

Dr Sadie King is the Tavistock Institute’s Project Director for the European Commission Funded project, IDEAS (‘Identifying Effective Approaches to Enhancing the Social Dimension of Higher Education’). The programme builds on previous work funded by the European Commission to identify and address barriers to education and enhance diversity in the participating Higher Education population beyond compulsory school age. Working with partners across Europe, the IDEAS programme builds on Tavistock Institute expertise on innovation and replication in social programmes and our underpinning methodologies around organisational change and its societal impacts.

This lunchtime talk will be delivered by Dr Sadie King and Leslie Brissett as part of the dissemination phase of the IDEAS work. The talk will outline what IDEAS is seeking to achieve, its conceptual framework, featured case studies and highlight the next steps.

Senior Consultant/Researcher, Dr Sadie King and Leslie Brissett are passionate about education and the opportunities it brings to those able to benefit from it. Sadie brings her expertise in social anthropology and critical theoretical perspectives to elucidate issues of social justice and how to work within societal structures to identify and challenge inequality. Leslie has been involved in education and activism for over 25 years, beginning with student politics movement through to national and regional policy committees in higher and further education.

The talk IDEAS for improving access to Higher Education is part of the Tavistock Institute’s Food for Thought series.

If you would like to attend this talk please send an email to talks@tavinstitute.org with your name, the talk date and title.

Every third Wednesday at the Tavistock Institute, staff, associates, trustees and partners come together for these informal talks. As we enter the seventh year of talks we are continuing to explore the possibilities for development and new thought through engaging with a wider audience and open access to the talks.

You are welcome to bring your own lunch.

For more information on upcoming and previous talks, how to book or get more involved go to the dedicated Food for Thought webpages.

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