
Ever Ready for Business

Ever Ready for Business

The Boardroom post Covid-19...

The Boardroom post COVID-19

The G20 Extraordinary Virtual Leaders’ Summit on COVID-19 was organised by Saudi Arabia, which currently holds the group’s rotating presidency. It brought together the Heads of the following organisations:

  • World Trade Organisation
  • United Nations
  • World Bank Group
  • World Health Organization
  • International Monetary Fund
  • International Labour Organization, and
  • OECD

COVID-19 has brought us unprecedented opportunities to explore the nature of joined up governance and the impacts on how we think about leadership at all levels in corporations of all sizes.

The summit was completely virtual ushering in a new era of board working. (For those who have watched His Dark Materials, The Matrix and many other sci-fi films in the last 25 years – rulership via a TV screen has been on our horizon for a long time). It is possible that post COVID-19, boardrooms will change dramatically – the challenge is whether or not this change will be just technological but perhaps also behavioural? What are the dynamics of the virtual and the face to face dynamics in a boardroom, how are the power-plays and the subtle posturing that has held sway in the past, operate in a new world?

The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR) is a world leading authority on the role of authority relations in organisational life, and specifically is shaping how we think about the role of boards in our contemporary world.

As stock markets around the world crumble and the flight to commodities continues, how will boards feel about the measure of value in their boards and their organisations? The interdependence of our social systems is being aligned in remarkable ways – even the free-market of the USA has agreed a stimulus package that offers social security measures that would not have been considered possible in a pre-COVID-19 world. What other changes will we experience in organisational and boardroom activity?

The TIHR programme Dynamics @ Board Level takes place over 4 modules, each of 2 intense days. The first 2 modules in June/ July will take place virtually and allow participants to experience entering a board without their bodies. Circumstances permitting, the second 2 modules will be embodied and offer us a chance to study the dynamics of the impact of the body on the nature of the boardroom, and how we as coaches, consultants and leaders in the boardroom practice can help our clients to think more deeply about the post Covid-19 boardroom.

For a deeper understanding of systems psychodynamics (how the board relates to the organisation it leads and to stakeholders) and the role of unconscious dynamics in the boardroom, come and exercise those muscles that work with dynamics and deepen your capacity by joining us in the Dynamics @ Board Level 2020 programme. The whole programme acts as a temporary board so the learning, in real time and experiential, is deep, powerful and long-lasting.

The programme is co-directed by Dr Leslie Brissett, Camilla Child and Dr Mannie Sher.

If you’d like a conversation and/or would like more details about the next programme or if you have any questions, please contact
Anabel Navarro: a.navarro@tavinstitute.org

You can apply here and pay deposit.

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