
Energy, Creative Collaboration & Wellbeing

Energy, Creative Collaboration & Wellbeing

Online Group Relations conference, 13—16 January 2023


31 October 2022



This conference is aimed at those who would like to sustain existing resources in a more ecological way and to bring new ideas around wellbeing to the organisations in which they operate. The unifying principle of the conference is that both the mind and body inform the dynamics of the here and now. The body is the mind in fact.

Join us from 13 – 16 January 2023 (15th is a break) in the journey: simultaneously online and in the body. The second edition of the Group Relations Conference Energy, Creative Collaboration and Wellbeing online, welcomes the challenges of life online, an environment where the weave of languages available – expressive of being, and of human sensitivity and interrelatedness – are open for exploration.

More information and Contact

This is traditional Group Relations along with a somatic understanding of the body in movement (movement as being), sound, and an awareness of the environment within which life unfolds – an ecological approach inviting sensuous participation.

Rather than thinking of ourselves only as observers, picking our way around objects lying about on the ground of a ready formed world, we must imagine ourselves in the first place as participants, each immersed with the whole of our being in the currents of a world-in-formation: in the sunlight we see in, in the rain we hear in and the wind we feel in…

Tim Ingold, Being Alive

ECW proposes that in the awareness of the body and its needs one becomes available to connect to the earth, its resources, and the underlying interdepen­dence of the whole.

Previous participants speak of their experience:

I found the parts of the conference specifically related to the embodied expe­rience as great exploratory opportunities. I was clearly out of my comfort zone, but I believe it has been an effective way to integrate the body into an online event.

MV, 2022

The movement event at this conference was revelatory… While brief non-tradi­tional explorations (art, movement. music etc.) can be very helpful to introduce some element of play into conferences and provide a creative entry into the unconscious, I don’t think that the whole person and system is accessed as com­pletely as was the case in ECW.

JL, 2019

It has contributed to my reflections on human nature and the different behaviours people display around work and leadership… I understood better the mind-body connections, which are often neglected.

AN, 2019

Being able to see oneself reflected in the other, feeling the critical issues and conflicts within the group they belong to and in the other groups has been a rea­son for growth for me.

SC, 2019

This online conference is sponsored by Il Nodo and the Tavistock Institute and Leslie B Brissett, from the Institute, is on the staff. Rachel Kelly will be on the staff of the next in-body ECW from 1-4 June 2023.

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