
4,446 books on Amazon on relational practice, but what does it mean?

4,446 books on Amazon on relational practice, but what does it mean?

Karen Izod, TIHR Professional Partner, recently joined us as part of our lunchtime talk series to present some thoughts on what ‘relational practice’ might mean.

Lunchtime Talk: Karen Izod 7th September 2016

Update: Podcast of talk available here.

With the fashion to call any and every approach to engaging with others ‘relational’ what does relational actually mean? Karen will give a snapshot of ideas on what relational practice means to her, and how it is embodied in her work as a consultant to organisational change and professional development.

This ‘work in progress’ presentation will draw on doctoral research that Karen is presently undertaking based on her publications, consulting and teaching over the past 20 years. It leads her to construct and propose the idea of a ‘relational terrain’, an assemblage of theories, perspectives and practices for understanding, participating and intervening in group life from a relational psychoanalytic perspective.

Karen Izod is a long standing Professional Partner at the Tavistock Institute, and presently a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of the West of England, where she has been working on attachment and place.

All events take place @ The Tavistock Institute.

Bring your lunch and your expertise with you – hot/cold drinks will be provided. Contact talks@tavinstitute.org if you would like further details of each talk and/or you plan to attend.

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