
The Awakening Organisation

Individuals and organisations are being called upon to AWAKEN to a new knowing, an integrity and courage to do what you say and live what you know. 

Awakening is the process by which we begin to see, hear and feel clearly about ourselves, our organisations and our communities as purposeful, interconnected and resourceful.

Gnostic Reticulists, this is (y)our time.

The Awakening Organisation (TAO)

Drawing on Group Relations, systems psychodynamics and ancient ways of knowing in the world, we open up space to reflect on what it means to be human in the digital age, what is the role of the body and how do we re-awaken notions of the divine and the spiritual in life? This is not about religion, this is about the embodied reality of living and working that pays attention to the visible and invisible dimensions of life.

For too long leaders have had to shut off from their deeper selves to survive in the world of work and community. Living within and between meanings allows us to stay connected to all of life, not as concepts but as lived experiences of connection. Sitting at the heart of The Awakening Organisation’s paradigm is our Leicester Conference and a suite of new programmes and offers.

Group relations, gnostic reticularity and the politics of revelation

It is time for us to find the margins of acceptability and the periphery of the thinkable once again.

Find out more
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | 63 Gee Street, London, EC1V 3RS
hello@tavinstitute.org | +44 20 7417 0407
Charity No.209706 | Design & build by Modern Activity