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British Library launches new Business Management portal
New portal linking management researchers to the work of the Tavistock Institute.
Communicating with Europe
Evaluating the effectiveness and efficiency of the European Direct Contact Centre.
Training on self-evaluation for local authorities
Pressure on funding is increasing the pressure on local authorities to undertake evaluations themselves which demonstrate and assess the 'effectiveness' of their work.
What is a Group Relations conference?
A group relations conference offers ...
Group relations
Does paternity leave enhance gender equality?
Fathers continue to be underrepresented in take-up of parental leave in EU Member States.
Gender & diversity
Crossing boundaries in European Employment
Equipping young people to navigate in the digital world
Most young people are 'netizens' and 'digital natives', but not all young people have the opportunities to fully exploit the digitalised world.
Young people
'Managing Vulnerability: The Underlying Dynamics of Systems of Care'
Tim Dartington's new book, 'Managing Vulnerability' explores the dynamics of care. He argues that we know how to do it, but somehow we seem to keep getting it wrong.
Health & social care
How does anxiety shape older workers' identities?
A recent Tavistock Institute presentation explored how anxiety can shape stereotypes and identities at work.
Researching the Financial Sector
Inside the Minds of the Money Minders - Deciphering Reflections on Money, Behaviour and Leadership in the Financial Crisis of 2008.
Extracting meaning from experiential learning
A staff member's tale of two unfamiliar landscapes- Israel and a group relations conference.
Young people
Evaluation of the Child Poverty Pilots
Leading the qualitative research, we will employ a Theory of Change approach in evaluating the Department for Children Schools and Families (DCSF) Child Poverty Pilot to deliver improved services for separating parents.
Children & families
Theory of Change at a telling time
Innovative methods of providing timely information to citizens - The Tavistock Institute evaluates pilots.
Developing guidance & training on evaluating 'PREVENT'
Workshops delivered to local authorities on how to evaluate local preventing violent extremism projects.
The Tavistock Institute on bonuses in banking
A complete red herring' writes Mannie Sher in The Guardian in a letter about how our society manages risk, with Alison Gill.
The Tavistock Institute assists reflection on the banking crisis
David Walker's report: A review of corporate governance in banks and other financial industry entitiesヤ is released today.
Group relations
Why talk about behaviour change?
Camilla Child, Principal Researcher/ Consultant talks about her work with Rachel Litherland and the IDeA.
Children & families
Young people
A service evaluation using 'Patient Opinion' as a case study.
Assessing the potential and progress of web-based patient and service user feedback for quality improvement.
Health & social care
New book released: 'Responding to Drug Misuse'
We are delighted to annouce the release of this book containing a chapter by Judy Corlyon, Principal Researcher.
Health & social care
Mental health
Judy Corylon explains 'What's the impact of Straight Talking?'
Straight Talking, a school-based course for Year 9 or Year 10 students, aims to reduce the high rates of teenage pregnancy in the UK.
Children & families
Young people
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